Monday, June 25, 2007

An event is being put together during the last few days of employment at my current job. Co-workers are snubbing me yet still making me do a lot of work. A table is filled with tiny bottles filled with chocolate-flavored Jameson. Though it is unclear for whom the event is being thrown, the stage is massive and hidden by a giant tarp ('There might be rain' somebody yells).

Very suddenly, a giant parade float shaped like a wedding cake begins driving towards the table where my co-workers and I work. Amy Winehouse is perched atop lip-syncing her song 'Rehab' while scantily clad go-go dancers in gold lame bikinis dance all around the edges of the cake.

The Edge from U2 runs up to me, handing me a bass guitar. 'Come on, you're late,' he says. I hastily throw a handful of the chocolate Jamesons in my mouth and am suddenly standing on a stage. The Edge is very far away off to my right. Bono stands way off to my left, singing something inaudible. He finishes a verse and begins sprinting away, off the stage into the darkness. The Edge begins to sing at this point.

When he finishes a phrase, he nods at me to 'go', then runs off into the darkness. I try to sing but realising my mouth is full of chocolate Jamesons, begin to choke and cough instead. I look around and, realising everyone is gone, wake up with a start.


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